Student concessions

From Monday 5 August for six months, all public transport fares in Queensland will be a flat rate of 50 cents per journey, regardless of the zones travelled.

50% concession fares will not apply during this time.

Travelling on a concession ticket

To receive a concession fare, students must:

Registered home education students 15 years and older who hold a valid Home Education Unit identification card are also eligible.

Students are not eligible for a concession if they hold:

In certain circumstances, students may be eligible for the School Transport Assistance Scheme.

Students with a disability or enrolled in a Department of Education approved Intensive Language Unit may be eligible for the Student Special Program Pass.

Student ID cards

Approved student identification cards are issued by educational institutions to students enrolled on a full-time basis.

Secondary student identification cards for students in:

Home Education Unit ID cards are valid for 12 months from the date of registration. Please check the registration date and ensure you carry a valid ID card.