Biggerpockets rental agreement application

Lease Agreements by State

Lease Agreements by State

Lease Agreements by State

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BiggerPockets Pro Annual members get free landlord forms. Join or log in to your Pro account for access.

Protect Your Investment with Lawyer-Approved Lease Agreements

Our comprehensive, state-specific packages include residential applications, leases, extensions, pet addendums, and more. Plus, they've been reviewed by legal experts, so you can be confident you're protecting yourself and your investment.

8+ forms for every state, including:


Each state has different landlord-tenant laws, which is why we have licensed attorneys review our forms in-depth.


This legal form starter pack will give you the most common forms needed to launch your landlording business.


Download the forms in editable Word format and also PDF format for easy printing.

*The Documents are not a substitute for legal or professional advice. Any Document may be inappropriate for your particular use case or situation. You may need to customize a Document to your specific situation, including the laws that apply to you. Additionally, rules, regulations, or laws may require different or additional provisions to achieve your desired result. Accordingly, you should consult with an attorney or appropriate professional advisor licensed in the relevant jurisdiction (a) before using Documents (whether modified or not) and (b) if you need legal or professional advice.